Friday, December 28, 2007

Grow Your Work At Home Business Not Your Hobbies

I'm a customizing freak, I can look at something brand new and instead of fully appreciating its "stock" value I start to fantasize about how I can give it my personal touch. Cars, motorcycles, roller skates, home décor, cooking and techno gadgets, shoes, and clothes; they all have seen my dollar (some of them more than others). In the coming months I've pledged to stay focused on my Work at Home Hobbies instead of others that will potentially drain and not grow my bank account.

I continue to read many Work at Home or Work from Home articles to find out what people have to say on the subject and their experiences. The subject of "Growing your Work at Home Business" should be an eye opener for anyone wanting to Work from Home. I had an individual who wanted me to build a Flash Website for them for an eShoe store. The client didn't have much capital to start. Being the online Entrepreneur that I am I decided to save the person the time and heartache of jumping into a situation that could drain their starting capital. They wanted something created that they would have to continue to pay someone to make changes to on an ongoing basis. Do you see how this could drain your Capital?
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A Work at Home Business with small starting capital must start successful practices in the very beginning to maintain longevity. It is imperative that Work at Home Entrepreneurs learn how to do and implement some of the tasks required to run their business. To some this may not seem to be Work at Home Business Growth but if you look closer it is. For instance, if you continue to pay someone to make updates to an ever changing website (like shoes) that is money that could be used to buy hosting space, web domains, learning materials, web based training courses, flyers, business cards, advertising, etc.
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Remember: A website or business doesn't advertise itself.

We can grow our Work at Home Businesses by learning how to effectively run the business ourselves. The aforementioned is a painful process to say the least because for some there is a LARGE learning curve involved. Personally, I've had to learn far more SOURCE CODE than I would have ever liked to; in fact, I stayed away from any course in collage that had too much to do with source code. Well, guess what? When I started my online businesses and got around to SEO (Search Engine Optimization) I had to learn all kinds of source code, how it works, and how to implement it within W3 Standards. Learning source code and SEO are two BIG advantages I will have once I start another website. What I'm saying here is that, in most cases you only have to learn something once and since it is part of your Work at Home Business, remain abreast of any changes and updates that may affect the way you do business. Once successful your Work at Home Business Process can be implemented in new ventures. See where I'm going with this?
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Once you learn the majority of the tools used to keep your business profitable you can bring in young help, train them yourself and pay them little or nothing (just kidding). Do you see how this strategy will grow your business?

By no means are you competing with the online business giants' who have astronomical budgets at their disposal (maybe later). If you are like my self you want to keep your business expenses low and your profits consistently increasing. Take 80% of your Work at Home Business Profit and put it back into your business in the form of learning a new process(s), learning how to make your Website or advertising campaigns more appealing, learn how to attract leads, learn hot to turn leads into sales, etc.
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There are a lot of free and low cost informational resources on the Internet and some on my blog that will show you how the online community effectively does business. What you learn now should not only grow your business but should set the stage for how your business will run in the future.
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Article by: King Moore.

More Work at Home articles and resources available at

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